Times of India - 22/10/09
His name springs hundreds of options on any internet search engine — books, poems and blogs. NaMo, as Narendra Modi is popularly known in Gujarat, will now figure in a Gujarati lexicon — probably a first where a proper name has jostled its way into a dictionary.
‘Lok-kosh: Bhasha Ni Asha’, an online project will compile popular Gujarati words which have not yet found mention in dictionaries, to include words like NaMo which is described as ‘how people of Gujarat affectionately refer to chief minister Narendra Modi’ (Normal usage of the word means ‘to bow’), Swine Flu and BRTS, for Bus Rapid Transit System.
‘‘Gujaratilexicon’s Lokkosh is an effort to compile exceptional words. People can exchange and share their Gujarati language knowledge by contributing words,’’ said Ashok Kaneria of Gujaratilexicon. The lexicon will also have usages popular among NRGs (non-resident Gujaratis) across the globe. For instance, it has Bwana (gentleman) popularly used by NRGs in Kenya.
His name springs hundreds of options on any internet search engine — books, poems and blogs. NaMo, as Narendra Modi is popularly known in Gujarat, will now figure in a Gujarati lexicon — probably a first where a proper name has jostled its way into a dictionary.
‘Lok-kosh: Bhasha Ni Asha’, an online project will compile popular Gujarati words which have not yet found mention in dictionaries, to include words like NaMo which is described as ‘how people of Gujarat affectionately refer to chief minister Narendra Modi’ (Normal usage of the word means ‘to bow’), Swine Flu and BRTS, for Bus Rapid Transit System.
‘‘Gujaratilexicon’s Lokkosh is an effort to compile exceptional words. People can exchange and share their Gujarati language knowledge by contributing words,’’ said Ashok Kaneria of Gujaratilexicon. The lexicon will also have usages popular among NRGs (non-resident Gujaratis) across the globe. For instance, it has Bwana (gentleman) popularly used by NRGs in Kenya.