Times of India - 10/3/09
Aman Kachroo (19) had passed out of DPS Intl in Saket and enrolled at Dr Rajendra Prasad Medical College, in Kangra last Aug. He had repeatedly complained to his parents about brutal ragging on campus — often by drunk third-year students. On Friday night and Saturday morning, he was beaten so badly that he died. College authorities called cops almost 24 hours after Aman’s death.
He was beaten so brutally by his seniors in the name of ragging that he succumbed to his injuries. ‘‘Preliminary investigations reveal that the victim was under extreme stress following the ragging by third-year students and had collapsed on Sunday. We were informed of the incident around 9.30pm,’’ Kangra SP Atul Fulelzele said. That implies that college authorities did not call the cops for nearly an entire day after Aman died. Virkin Dhar, the victim’s cousin, said he had told her that senior students used to rag juniors after getting drunk and the same thing happened on Saturday night, when they physical assaulted freshers. ‘‘We have come to know that senior students had punched and slapped Aman, inflicting internal injuries that proved to be fatal,’’ she said.
Such violence underlines the fact that campuses still haven’t moved to ban ragging and act against offenders despite repeated Supreme Court warnings and orders.
That the faculty and college administration had looked away from the campus brutality was obvious. But even after the death was reported, administrators tried to pass off the death as a suicide. Only after the matter blew up and cops got involved, the principal, as a token gesture, rusticated four students suspected to be involved.
Aman Kachroo (19) had passed out of DPS Intl in Saket and enrolled at Dr Rajendra Prasad Medical College, in Kangra last Aug. He had repeatedly complained to his parents about brutal ragging on campus — often by drunk third-year students. On Friday night and Saturday morning, he was beaten so badly that he died. College authorities called cops almost 24 hours after Aman’s death.
He was beaten so brutally by his seniors in the name of ragging that he succumbed to his injuries. ‘‘Preliminary investigations reveal that the victim was under extreme stress following the ragging by third-year students and had collapsed on Sunday. We were informed of the incident around 9.30pm,’’ Kangra SP Atul Fulelzele said. That implies that college authorities did not call the cops for nearly an entire day after Aman died. Virkin Dhar, the victim’s cousin, said he had told her that senior students used to rag juniors after getting drunk and the same thing happened on Saturday night, when they physical assaulted freshers. ‘‘We have come to know that senior students had punched and slapped Aman, inflicting internal injuries that proved to be fatal,’’ she said.
Such violence underlines the fact that campuses still haven’t moved to ban ragging and act against offenders despite repeated Supreme Court warnings and orders.
That the faculty and college administration had looked away from the campus brutality was obvious. But even after the death was reported, administrators tried to pass off the death as a suicide. Only after the matter blew up and cops got involved, the principal, as a token gesture, rusticated four students suspected to be involved.
Too brutal slaughters those guys are. These people who has no compassion & love for their younger one can never have any soothing feelings in them to be called as Doctors! They shud be called as butchers or slaughters.
As long as every student minds his and her own business and never cares for these sentimental garbages such as that of love and friendship and all this except only interact when it is about their studies formally, then there would be no need for this ragging, hazing, and eve teasing business.
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